RBC Choir

Michele and I were members of the Rittenhouse Baptist Church Choir from 2003 - 2011. Cecil Garner

was the Choir Director and Minister of Music until 2009. He remains my good friend and mentor.


In 2009, some of the leadership forced Cecil out and disbanded the Choir. Almost immediately, I

was approached by several former members and urged to reform the Choir. After two months of

prayer and pondering, I agreed and informed the Pastor that I was bringing the Choir back. To his

credit, he acquiesced. Michele and I worked together to keep it going until we left RBC in June

2011. Nearly everyone in the church happily supported our efforts in keeping alive a small part

of what RBC had once been.


Being able to lead this incredible group of Christian men and women in a Worship Service was one of

the greatest honors of my life. I'll cherish my memories of this time forever.


I want to thank Cecil from the bottom of my heart for his ministry. It has left a lasting impression and

will inspire me for the rest of my life.


Here are the best recordings I captured from 2006 - 2011. I regret that I didn't record more.


Jason Rose




Cecil's Years

Christmas 2006 - Easter 2009


The Final Years

 Christmas 2009- Spring 2011